Historical Presence Of Black Girls and Women on Campus

Anderson, K. (1994). From “brickbats and roses": Lucy Diggs Slowe, 1883- 1937. Women's Studies Quarterly, 22(1/2), 134-140.

Benjamin, L. (Ed.) (1997). Black women in the academy: Promises and perils. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Guy-Sheftall, B. (1982). Black women and higher education: Spelman and Bennett colleges revisited. The Journal of Negro Education51(3), 278-287.

Ihle, Elizabeth. L. (1992). Black women in higher education: An anthology of essays, studies, and documents. New York: Garland

Lawson, E. N., & Merrill, M. (1984). The three Sarahs: Documents of antebellum Black college women (Vol. 13). Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Pr.

Little, M. H. (2002). The extra-curricular activities of black college students, 1868-1940. The Journal of African American History, 87, 43-55. 

Perkins, L. (2009). The history of Black women graduate students 1921-1948. In L. Tillman (Ed.), The sage handbook of African American education (pp. 53-65). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Perkins, L. M. (1997). The African American female elite: The early history of African American women in the seven sister colleges, 1880–1960. Harvard Educational Review67(4), 718-757.

Perkins, L. M. (1996). Lucy Diggs Slowe: Champion of the self-determination of African-American women in higher education. Journal of Negro History,81(1-4) 89-104.

Perkins, L. M. (1983). The impact of the “Cult of True Womanhood” on the education of Black women. Journal of Social Issues, 39(3), 17-28. 

Royster, J. J. (2000). Traces of a stream: Literacy and social change among African American women. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press. 

Shaw, S. J. (1996). What a woman ought to be and to do: Black professional women workers during the Jim Crow era. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (In particular, see chapter 3)

Thomas, V. G., & Jackson, J. A. (2007). The education of African American girls and women: Past to present. The Journal of Negro Education, 76(3), 357-372.

Histories of Black Women in America That Contain Extensive Information on the Post-Secondary Experience:

Giddings, P.J. (2014) Where and where I enter: The impact of Black women on race and sex in America. New York: Harpers Collins.

Hine, D. C., & Thompson, K. (1999). A shining thread of hope: The history of Black women in America. New York: Broadway.

Selected Archives:

Smith College, Women of Color & Race Relations in the U.S.

Howard University, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center

Straight University, New Orleans, Louisiana

Spelman College Archives

Bennett College Archives


http://www.professorevans.com/ -- Two minute overview of Black women's history in higher education. Music, pictures, & maps. Information from book *Black Women in the Ivory Tower, 1850-1954: An Intellectual History* Content by Dr. Stephanie Y. Evans; Graphics by Brother Joseph Akoni - See also BLACK MEN IN THE IVORY TOWER: http://www.professorevans.com/bmitVideo.htm

Video by Dr. Stephanie Y. Evans.

Image:Alberta Virginia Scott, Class of first African American graduate of Radcliffe College - courtesy of Schlesinger Library.